Monday 4 February 2008

My weekend with Poppy

Friday 1st February 2008
This weekend i went home with Poppy. When we left school o went to dancing it wasn't for Poppy it was for her sister Indya while we were waiting Poppy's friend Lauren came and we played doctors. When we finished Indya and me and Poppy we got in the car and Indya fell asleep. We were going to Poppy's dad's. When I got there me and Poppy went to Poppy's friends house called Millie and Connie and I leant how to do some things i leant how to play football, golf, vollyball and to sing after we went to bed and watched T.V and i fell asleep in seconds Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Saturday 2nd February 2008
I woke up at 7.10am i had toast for my breakfast. When i looked out the window and I saw snow for the first time. Then me and Poppy made little snowmen and snow angels. Then Poppy went to dancing she does Tap,Ballet,Modern and gymnastics she is very good. After we came home and got our swimming costumes and went swimming. After we had a hot dog and played on the Wii then we went to bed shhhhhhhhh.

Sunday 3th February 2008
Me and Poppy woke up at 9.20am.We had Weetabix for breakfast. After we played catch and we got dressed and went for dinner. I had chicken nuggets and chips.T hen we went home and played on the bikes after we did some painting.T hen we went back to Poppy's mum's and watched Dancing on Ice. Me and Poppy were tired so we fell asleep.

p.s I cant wait to go home with Poppy again.

Written with help from Poppy