Monday 17 March 2008

A weeked of fun with Adam

Well firstly we got in and watched horrid henry it was really funny. Then we went and sat with my dog but he was a bit tired. 1hour later i had to go football it was really fun! Then we went to get a Chinese it was really nice. Then we had a game of hide and seek. Finally it was time to go to bed but we weren't tired so my mum said that I could have my telly on. Then we went to sleep.

Firstly we went to the shops. Next we got home then we watched T.V. Thirdly Adam coloured me a picture of me.Then Adam took a picture of me and Milly. After that Adam and me had Dinner and listened to Adams iPOD.Then we watched sport relief. Then went to bed. We got up and watched TV and then we had breakfast.
Then went shopping then Adam's Auntie came and picked us up to go to Adams Nanas house. Firstly we made a chair out of lego and during deal or no deal, it was very comfy.Then Adams sister Laura watched Enchanted. We are about to play snakes and ladders. I won 30p but Adam only won 15p.Then Laura won snakes and ladders! It was great at Adams Nanas. Then we watched t.v burp and Ant and Dec. I loved Duel it was great. Then I went to bed. Adam woke me up and it was raining out side.Then I had a go at Adams vending machine . I got a bounty and Adam got a mars bar.

Then we had breakfast I had a rest after that. While Adam went shopping. After that I had a packet of crisps and went in the bath, Adam taught me how to swim. Then we went to the bull and butchers for lunch. Then we got a Jake ball and had our pudding and went home and met a friend and watched t.v. It was brill. Then we went to bed. We got up and had breakfast and went to school.

Written with help from Adam