Sunday 20 April 2008

Loads of Adventures!!

An Evening with Leah
Today i went home with Leah we watched Tv and then we went shopping i pushed the trolly it was fun and then we went to kfc i had chips yum yum we went home. after that me and Leah went up stairs to play met princess she was nice .And Leah tort me to change the Tv after that we went to bed.

Ps. i the moaning i had toast!

Written with help from Leah


My Time with Rhiann

Today I went home with Rhiann. First I went to art club with Rhiann.Rhiann tort me how to do art it was excitedly fun to lean so it was fab. Rhiann made a flower pot it looked brillent. Then we went home when I got out of the car I saw a skip it was big. Next we played with the dog it was fun. Then we had dinner favrent food was on the men you it was spgety my favrent.Next we brushed are teeth and got in to bed. Rhiann red me A story it was the little mermaid GOOD MORNING ! I had hoops for my breakfast then I leant how to tofly down the sties.

PS. Callum how is Rhiann little brother tout me haw to cook play on his little chicane.

Written with help from Rhiann


My weekend with Poppy

This weekend i went home with Poppy.When we left school o went to dancing it wasn't for Poppy it was for her sister Indya while we were waiting Poppy's friend Lauren came and we played doctors.When we finished Indya and me and Poppy we got in the car and Indya fell asleep.we were going to Poppy's dad's.When i got there me and Poppy went to Poppy's friends house called Millie and Connie and i leant how to do some things i leant how to play football,golf,bollyball and to sing after we went to bed and watched T.V and i fell asleep in seconds Zzzzzzzzzzz.

I woke up at 7.10am i had toast for my breakfast.When i looked out the window and i saw snow for the first time.Then me and Poppy made little snowmen and snow angels. Then Poppy went to dancing she does Tap,Ballet,Modern and gymnastics she is very good.After we came home and got our swimming costumes and went swimming.After we had a hot dog and played on the Wii then we went to bed shhhhhhhhh.

Me and Poppy woke up at 9.20am.We had Weetabix for breakfast.After we played catch and we got dressed and went for dinner. I had chicken nuggets and chips.Then we went home and played on the bikes after we did some painting.Then we went back to Poppy's mum's and watched Dancing on Ice.Me and Poppy were tired so we fell asleep.

p.s I cant wait to go home with Poppy again.

Written with help from Poppy


A fun time with Chloe

Today I went home with Chloe. I went to podcasting and I met Ashley,Robbie and Katie. At half four Chloe's dad picked us up we are going golf now!When we got to golf we got a club for me and Chloe .Chloe hit a 150 I only hit a75.When we got home I met the hamster ,snails,trachla,tortisa and the rabbit.We watched TV and had soup and some biscuits.After our tea we went on Chloe's electric scooter it went 50 miles per hour we only went 25 .After that we picked Abi from Nuneaton.When we got home we got all the teddy's from the attic there is 100's up there.we watched the bill and went to bed at half 8.

P.S Can I have a nap I'm so warned out?!

Written with help from Chloe.


A fun time with Adam

Firstly we went in the entry and played tennis.Next I had dinner with Adam.Then we played on the x box 360 together then we watched Tv together for 5 mints before bed time.We got up and watched hider in the house.And had breakfast and went to school.

Written with help from Adam.


My evening with Alexa

Today I went home with Alexa. first we went and played in the attic (Playroom!) IT WAS FUN!!! Then we played with Alexa's brother Calum.Calum likes me!Thirdly i played with Alexa's new white board . fourthly i watched the Simsons.Then we went and had some lovely chips and had tomato ketchup with them. Then we went to bed and played on Alexa's Nintendo DS. Then we went to sleep.

Written with help from Alexa.


An evening with Lauren

Today I went home with Lauren. Firstly we played at after school club,then we played on the scooter outside .I watched Lauren eat her tea. Lauren had vegetables ,beef and potatoes for pudding i had chopped apple , kiwi and a yogurt. I thought that pudding was scrumptious.Lauren went in the bath and Lauren and her mum read a story called Hannah Montana super sneak, I thought Lauren read her story beautifully and stupendously

P.S oscar is tired and would like to go to bed now so would Lauren!

Written with help from Lauren.


My Adventure with Josh

Today i went to Joshua's home. we walk home from school and we watched wrestling .For dinner we had noodles ,chicken and mushroom's i scout down,after dinner we to Drama with Joshua ,we did singing and practiced Anne,at St.Augustinian,i like Joshua acting.we went home we had carob.we got up,we bursted are teeth then we had wheat_a_bix for breakfast.then we got ready and walk to school with Taylor and Bradley.

P.S. i played with Joshua's brother Harrison


A weekend with Jakevir

Today went home with Jakevir.When we got to his house we had some yummy toast.After that we went into the kids room and played lots of different games.Three hours later we watched the Simsons movie.Then we all had some cheese and tomato pizza.Then we went to bed.

The next day we woke and had breakfast.Then we got dressed.After that we went swimming.When it was finished we went Karate.When Karate was done we had lunch.After that we went into the kids room and we all played Monopoly.Then we played Chess and I won!After that we had dinner. Then we went to bed.

The next day we woke up and played on the computer.Then we went downstairs and had breakfast and then got dressed.After that we played chess and I won!Then we had lunch.After that we played on the P.S.2 Jakevir showed me how to play.Then we had some edible milk.When it was done we played with Jakevir's card.Then we had dinner.Finally we went to bed.

Written with help fro Jakevir.


A great time with Dalbir

I went home with Dalbir. We went to the airport. I saw lots of planes and I got a signature from a pilot. Then we went to bed. Dalbir woke me up really late. We had Macdonalds. Then we went to the Cordeen and I went on lots of trains, then I went to Birmingham to go to a wedding party. Dalbir taugh me how to play on the PS2. Then we went to bed. The next day we went to a wedding party and there as loads of food. Then we went home and had chinese food. It was yummy!!

Written with help from Dalbir.