Thursday 22 May 2008


I have been using the new Learning Platform that Blue 2 are testing out! It is great. It has loads of cool games and things on it! I love it!!!

A great time with Taylor

Today I went home with Taylor then we had dinner. He had potatoes, mushrooms and chicken pie. After that we went down the garden where we climbed the monkey bars and the climbing frame and slide and me and Taylor went on the go kart. Then we went to see taylor's gradma and grandadand played with cars. Then when we were done it was 9 0'clock and we went to bed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Written with help from Taylor

my weekend with Leah

Today i went home with Leah when we got back we had some sweets and then we watched Tv and got in the car to go to the pet shop to buy Tink a new collar when we got back we went to Leah's room met Leah's teddy 's my favoret teddy was Princess and when we to bed. zzzzzzzzzzz


Good morning for breakfast we had pancakes YUM YUM! After breakfast we got dressed and at 12:00 we went down to Leah's dad.When we got down Leah's dads then we went out in her dads beach buggy then we went swimming it was fun. When we got back we watched Tv an at 8:00Pm we went ice skating oscar can ice skate WOW after 2 hours practice we went to the shop to get some sweets and then we went home when we got home we went to bed.zzzzzzzzzzz

When we got up we went to see a car it was a morris miner it was old and Leah's dad said "Yes I will buy it"and then we went home.When we got home we watched T.V and went to bed zzzzzzzz

For brekst we had toast and then we went to school.p.oscar can ice skate!

Written with help from Leah

An evening Akshay

Today I went home with Akshay we had pizza mmh. Then we watched some videos we watched fantastic 4 2. After that we had dinner chicken burger and chips yum.we watched eastenderes. We went to bed!

Written with help from Akshay.

An Evening with Harry

Today I went home with Harry, I helped Harry with his homework then I had a delicious Quiche,potatoes and peas for tea. For pudding we had jammy dogers quickly Harry watched Shawn the Sheep! A few minuets later Harry went out side with his brother and his dog. i helped Harry's dad dig the grass then I helped put harry's tent up then harry went inside and started to play on the ps2 then went back out side half an hour later we had toast and went to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

Written with help from Harry