Thursday 15 May 2008


Today I went with Rhiann for the most exiting week end EVER !!! I helped Rhiann and Alexas mum and Rhiann tidy the bed room because I wanted to see the teddy bears.Then we played with Calum. After that we watched T.V: Tracy Beaker. Later that evening we played a board game called clue do and Rhiann won but then Rhiann let me have a badge to say that I can FLY.After that exiting day I went to have a long nice sleep.Good Night!!!! zzzzzzzzzzz.....

Good morning , to day Rhiann is going to take me to b,q and then morrisons after would's we are going to a party with Rhiann daddy. It was the most exciting week end EVER!!!It was brillent!!! Then we went home because Rhiann was fulling asleep so we hato go home at 10;10pm and Rhiann went state to sleep!!! The next morning it was Antie Julies birthday so we went to the party it was excellent!

PS. I in joyed my time with Rhiann.

Written with help from Rhiann.