Thursday 22 November 2007

A great time with Alexa!

Firstly I got seatbelted into the car then so did Alexa, then Rhiann did too. Rhiann is Alexa's sister and she has a baby brother called Callum. Then we went to the shop by some things. Soon we got home and I asked if we could play a game so we did . I enjoyed playing headstands before so we did so I played that. Then we played with Callum, Alexa's brother and he seemed to like me. Then we played fashion catwalk with Alexa's and Rhiann's teddies.

Then we went the pub for a treat. Alexa had some coke to drink but I didn't because I didn't come incase I got lost or dirty. When Alexa and Rhiann and Callum got home we had some pudding and had Kinda egg suprise and we had 3 quality streets too. Then we watched TV. It was fun then I met Alexa's teddies, Tweety is Alexa's favourite and Jessy from Toy Story. Then it was time for bed so I snuggled up with Alexa's teddies and read a book.

In the morning we had Wheatabix and toast. Then we went and brushed our teeth and got dressed and brushed each others hair. Once we were ready I played in Callum's truck it was fun. Callum didn't won't me to go back to school but I have to School. Then Alexa taught me how to fly. When we had finished we played headstands again and watched Tv. When we finished I got in the car and went to school. I am looking forward to my next journey with Samson.

Written with help from Alexa.