Thursday 22 May 2008


I have been using the new Learning Platform that Blue 2 are testing out! It is great. It has loads of cool games and things on it! I love it!!!

A great time with Taylor

Today I went home with Taylor then we had dinner. He had potatoes, mushrooms and chicken pie. After that we went down the garden where we climbed the monkey bars and the climbing frame and slide and me and Taylor went on the go kart. Then we went to see taylor's gradma and grandadand played with cars. Then when we were done it was 9 0'clock and we went to bed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Written with help from Taylor

my weekend with Leah

Today i went home with Leah when we got back we had some sweets and then we watched Tv and got in the car to go to the pet shop to buy Tink a new collar when we got back we went to Leah's room met Leah's teddy 's my favoret teddy was Princess and when we to bed. zzzzzzzzzzz


Good morning for breakfast we had pancakes YUM YUM! After breakfast we got dressed and at 12:00 we went down to Leah's dad.When we got down Leah's dads then we went out in her dads beach buggy then we went swimming it was fun. When we got back we watched Tv an at 8:00Pm we went ice skating oscar can ice skate WOW after 2 hours practice we went to the shop to get some sweets and then we went home when we got home we went to bed.zzzzzzzzzzz

When we got up we went to see a car it was a morris miner it was old and Leah's dad said "Yes I will buy it"and then we went home.When we got home we watched T.V and went to bed zzzzzzzz

For brekst we had toast and then we went to school.p.oscar can ice skate!

Written with help from Leah

An evening Akshay

Today I went home with Akshay we had pizza mmh. Then we watched some videos we watched fantastic 4 2. After that we had dinner chicken burger and chips yum.we watched eastenderes. We went to bed!

Written with help from Akshay.

An Evening with Harry

Today I went home with Harry, I helped Harry with his homework then I had a delicious Quiche,potatoes and peas for tea. For pudding we had jammy dogers quickly Harry watched Shawn the Sheep! A few minuets later Harry went out side with his brother and his dog. i helped Harry's dad dig the grass then I helped put harry's tent up then harry went inside and started to play on the ps2 then went back out side half an hour later we had toast and went to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

Written with help from Harry

Thursday 15 May 2008

An evening with Reece

Today i went home with Reece firstly we played at after school club. we played out side on the playground. i went to Reece nannies house Reece had tea we watched a dvd and played with reece yu ge oh cards. When Reeces mum finished her work she collected us home Reece did some homework. then reece had a bath and went to bed.

Written with help from Reece.

My evening with Liam

Today i went with liam. When we got to liam's house we played on the xbox.IT WAS FUN. then me liam and my mum went to my friends house and we played on mariokart .After we got home from my friends house we went for dinner Liam had sasuage and chips.It was delicious.Then it was time for bed so we went to sleep . The next morning Liam woke up first then liam have to wake me up we played wrestlin . I wonder what my next adventure is going to be about.

Written with help from Liam.

My night with Luke

Today I am going home with Luke.Now that we are home we are going to have some yummy chocolate buttons and ice cream in cones.After that we went into the garden that was FUN.Now we are going to have a picnic yum yum. Then we went into Lukes garden we played badminton. We needed to do our homework that was BORING.Then we went back into the garden we played a fantastic game of badminton.After that we had a corneto yum yum.Then we played on the D.S.We also got to stay up late. zzzzzzzzzzz bed time. Suddenly we got up and had some cearl yum. Luke is getting dressed. We are going soon I wonder who I will be going home with next?

Written with help from Luke.

A great time with Jusleen

Today I went home with Jusleen. Firstly Jusleen and me were going to art club Jusleen showed me her art fish that she had made, after that we got picked up from school.Jusleen's dad was late for us so we had to wait.Suddenly Jusleen saw her dad through the window.Then Jusleen did her homework Jusleen had spellings to do and Maths to do is well so I helped her a little bit but then she did all of the rest on herself.After a while Jusleen's mum said to Jusleen "Do you want something to eat."Jusleen said"yes".Jusleen eat all of her dinner.After that we played on Jusleen 's white board. But then Jusleen and me played on jusleens D.S.Jusleen and me went on the Viking wed site.But then we had to go bed. zzzzzzzzzzz........

Good Morning! It's the morning Jusleen had cearl and then of to school

P.S I hope it's a nice person who takes me home tomorrow!

Written with help from Jusleen.


Today I went with Rhiann for the most exiting week end EVER !!! I helped Rhiann and Alexas mum and Rhiann tidy the bed room because I wanted to see the teddy bears.Then we played with Calum. After that we watched T.V: Tracy Beaker. Later that evening we played a board game called clue do and Rhiann won but then Rhiann let me have a badge to say that I can FLY.After that exiting day I went to have a long nice sleep.Good Night!!!! zzzzzzzzzzz.....

Good morning , to day Rhiann is going to take me to b,q and then morrisons after would's we are going to a party with Rhiann daddy. It was the most exciting week end EVER!!!It was brillent!!! Then we went home because Rhiann was fulling asleep so we hato go home at 10;10pm and Rhiann went state to sleep!!! The next morning it was Antie Julies birthday so we went to the party it was excellent!

PS. I in joyed my time with Rhiann.

Written with help from Rhiann.

Friday 2 May 2008

This week's adventures!

A fun time with Amelia
Today I went to Amelia's house watched the T.V.Then we played Amelia D.S.After we played guitar hero legend rock 3 then we played wii fit and then her cat came in.I satin my box watching the T.V while Amelia was doing her Math's home work.Then we her are dinner we had toad in the hole and broccoli and baby sweet corn with gravy.For pudding we had mango and smartie ice-cream.We watched a D.V.D then we went to bed.In the morning we had toast and orange juice then we did our teeth go dressed and went to school.I can't wait to go home with Amelia.

Written with help from Amelia.


A great time with Samson

Today I went home with Samson. We went and played in the garden because it was still sunny.I liked playing in Samson's tree house with his toys. Later we had tea.We had spaghetti and meatballs.It was delicious!Samson chose a DVD for us to watch.We watched Alvin and the chipmuks.I liked the bit when they were singing.It was really funny and it made Samson laugh!We had to go to bed early because we have school in the morning.I like Samson's house!

Written with help from Samson.


A party with Jake!
I went to Jake's house tonight,I went to Luke's party as well as watching a movie when we got to Jake's house,at the party we had a sword fight (balloons).Before everybody left we got a goodie bag.When we got back we chilled out and watched a movie.I can"t wait till tomorrow.

Written with help from Jake


My weekend with Kiaya

Firstly I went home with Kiaya and it was really excited, because Meghan was also coming round Kiaya's for tea.For tea we had chicken dippers ,smiley faces and speggetti hoops.After that we played high school musical on Kiaya's wii and I had a fantastic time.I was very tiried and was the first to go to go to bed.

The next day we went to stratford and had a picnic by the river I also went on the merry go round with Kiaya witch I really enjoyed.

Sunday I helped Kiaya tidy her bedroom.Then we chilled out today and watched T.V. I have had a brilliant time at Kiaya's and looking forward to go agian.

Written with help from Kiaya.


My time with Aidan.

Today i went home with Aidan and we played with holly, Erin and Alice . a few minutes later i had fight with Aidan's Lego dinosaur and i won. meanwhile we had speggtie and meatballs three chocolate muffins and watched stardust. then played blinds mans bluff and alice and Erin went home.we had a bedtime drink and went to bed.

Written with help from Aidan.


A great time with Jack

Me, Jack and liam played football me and Jack went home to have dinner next I played jack's friend then I played with the ben ten toys. like four arms and xal8 upgrade dimonedhead.In the morning i had breakfast and walked to school.

Written with help from Jack

A fun time with Seamus

Firstly we went to after school club and played with the KNEX and made a crown for me and then played outside. We came back in and played some more with the KNEX and then wrote in my diary. Seamus mum came to pick us up and we had a polo in the car! When we got home Seamus told me what we did at school. We played with my favourite toy and then we had tea, it was fish fingers and waffles. Yum! Soon after that we went to bed and Seamus taught me how to play cards! I can't wait to have another adventure.

Written with help from Seamus.