Wednesday 10 October 2007

Chocolate ice cream and dressing up!

Today I went home with Amelia and we went around to Brooke's house. We had Macdonalds and for pudding we had ice-cream with chocolate and we played hairdressing. I really liked dressing up it was very good fun and then we went outside to play.
Then we went back to Amelia's and we had lost of fun because it is a really big house and we read a book. The book was really good and then I met some new friend's, one was cat and one was a dog. They were very nice. Then we watched TV we watched pop girl then I played Amelia's DS then we played the Nintendo wii. Then we coloured in fairy books. Then we started dressing up they had so many clothes. I dressed up as super man and after that we went to bed at 9.o clock.

Written with help from Amelia.