Tuesday 16 October 2007

A visit to Brooke's house!

I went home with Brooke today it was great! First we went to Summerfield supermarket so Brooke could look for a fancy dress costume. But she got sum pajamas instead! I tried on sum slippers. When I got home we had tea we had jacket potato and chicken Kiev. It was Brooke's dad's birthday today it was a surprise we sang happy birthday and we had football cake it was delicious.

Then Brooke showed me around the house and the best part was her bed room it was lovely and warm. Brooke showed me where I was going to sleep she promised me we would go to bed at half 9. Brooke did the moping up in her room because I did not want to do it was too wet. It tuck a long time to dry but we had fun. I played with Brooke's little brother, he is really funny, he kept sticking his tounge out. He is so cute! Brooke's Dad is so nice nice, he kpt throwing me in the air but I did't get hurt so it was fun.

I went on my website and it was great. I watched the video and then we had Chinese. Yippee! I played football and Brooke is really good, but not as good as me! We had breakfast in the morning and then got dressed. Brooke's little brother hugged me and then I went back to school.

Written with help from Brooke.