Monday 15 October 2007

My first weekend away!

Friday 12th October
On Friday Hollie took me home. I played in the park after school Alexa, Rhiann and Lauren came too. After I went home and sat on a real horse it was wicked! Then I played on the swing in Hollie's garden, her garden is very big. She has three cat's, 2 guinea pigs and lots of sea monkeys. I had a cuddle with Hollie's other teddy bears, it was lots of fun. I had a bit of cheese on toast too. I like Hollie.

We had roast dinner for tea and Hollie made me a new house. I had some cheese on toast and then I played with Isla and Alastair for a bit. It was so much fun playing with them. Isla and Alastair have two cats. I went to bed at 10pm, which was a very late night then I was tired. So Hollie put me in my bed for the night, it was very cool.

Saturday 13th October
On Saturday morning I had tea and biscuits in bed with Hollie and her Mum and Dad. After we went down stairs and Hollie got dressed. Then we went and talked to some people in our street. After that we got home and I played with Isla and Alastair again. I had fish and chips for tea and then I went bowling. Hollie had a blue and orange ball.

Sunday 14th October
On Sunday I woke up and Hollie got me out of my bed. Firstly we had crackers with cheese on for breakfast. Then Hollie went to the meeting and then she came home. After I played with Isla and Alastair on the skatebaords and bikes. Then we had to come in becuase we were going to the pictures to see Ratatouille. It was wicked!

Written with help from Hollie.