Saturday 27 October 2007

My half term adventures!

October 20th - 27th 2007

I had a fantastic week going on holiday with Mr Jones and I went to some terrific places! Firstly on Saturday I went to a huge reservoir where I went on a long walk and saw all sorts of boats. After that I played on the playground and I had an extremely enjoyable time! Excitingly I went down to the edge of the water and played on the cold, rough rocks!

Later in the week I did something really quite scary! I went on a cable car, but I am not keen on heights, so my tummy felt rather strange while I was on it. It was a lovely view from the cable car and all the people and cars down below looked minute... I was relieved when we finally got off on to solid ground.

Another thing I did during the week was go down on old lead mine. Carefully I walked down all the steps and looked around the strange underground world. It had not been used for many, many years. Funnily, the man who showed us around was dressed up as an old miner, he looked rather funny with his face all black with dirt! The one big cavern was only lit by 100 hundred candles and it looked very pretty, but it was quite cold down there! Have you ever been down an old mine?
Finally I went on a visit to an exciting farm. There were all sorts of animals there such as pigs, horses, rabbits, goats, sheep, chickens, cows and donkeys. Surprisingly, I liked the pigs the most because I enjoyed watching them stumble around and make strange noises! However I DID NOT like the smell of the pigs, I had to hold my beak!

I have had a wonderful time away this week, but I can't wait to go back to school now and see who is going to be taking me on my next extraordinary adventure...

Written with help from Mr Jones.