Friday 21 December 2007

A great time with Katie! and a photo story!

Blue 2 have been making Photo Stories in their Literacy and ICT lessons. Here is one they have made about me!!


A great time with Katie!

When I went home with Katie Ann picked us up from school. when we drove to the school where Ann works at called stoke heath primary. I went in Ann's office and had a cup of tea I also washed up. Then Ann gave us a kit kat then we started writing in my diary. We looked on my blog. When mick I mean the caretaker also known as chloes grandad came in he held me. I then went to a classroom. Then I started writing my blog he he he. I helped Andrew do his homework he is good. The ride home was bumpy very bumpy bump bump. When we got home we hung are coats up we watched the simpsons. Then we went in Ann's room we jumped on the bed.I went flying.

For tea we had pizza it was a big squared one. We watched tv after that big pizza. Then paul came home.I got to fly on to pauls shoulder weeeeeeeee. We went downstairs and found that Paul and Ann were eating curry and watching come dance with me. Katie loves that because they cook for each other and she likes it when they decorate their houses. after that we got some of Anns curry yummy yummy. Then we went upstairs and got our pyjamas on and went into Anns room and watched tv till nine. When Ann came in she gave us a five minute cuddle then told us to get to bed. I got to sleep really fast because Ann told us to think of christmas so i thought of what i would do at Mr Jones house. In the morning we went downstairs Katie let me open her calender she gave me a certificate of 100% attendance. Then we started writing the blog again I tried telling her not to write to much but she would not listen. Then we went upstairs and got changed I really liked what Katie was wearing it was nice but i cant wait to see what Blue 2 are wearing.

For breakfast we had sausages yum yum yum I ate them all on my plate. Katie could not find her bag but I helped and found it. It was on the pile on the table.Katie got her coat on put me in my box said bye to ann and we set off. We knocked on Alexes house he walked to school with us I can not wait until my next trip I wonder whatI will do at mr jonses house I love you mr jones and blue 2.

Written with help from Katie.

Thursday 20 December 2007

Loads of adventures!

Thursday 20th December 2007

This morning I worked on an Apple Mac computer with the children in Blue 2. It was amazing! Using the Photobooth and built up camera we took some great photos of me. Chloe and Alexa used some great effects to make me look very funny!

This afternoon I went to Blue 2's Christmas party with my friend Zak the Alien! It was brilliant! I did loads of dancing with all of my friends!


Wednesday 19th December 2007

Harry and me!

Last night I went home with Harry. Me and Harry went round his cousin‘s house. When I got there I walked into the living room and I saw that Harry‘s cousin was in the lounge she was on the laptop and we watched the plasma t.v. Then Harry gave his cousin presents. Then we went to see my other cousin and sat down and watched Dragonheart.Written with help from Harry.

Written with help from Harry.


My trip to Leah's house

Tuesday 18th December

When I went home with Leah we watched Tracy Beaker I loved it and then we had tea. I met Leah's cat and then I went up stairs to play with Leah's teddies. One of her teddies is called princess. Leah has got a lovely Christmas tree. Me and Leah made snow flakes I coloured mine in. Me and Leah went on the computer on cbeebies I wrapped Leah's mum's Christmas present up. we watched The Bill and then we went to bed. zzzzzzzzz.

Written with help from Leah.


My second trip to Jakevir's house!

Monday 17th December 2007

Today I went to Jakevir's house where I met his mum, his dad his little sister. Firstly we went into the living room to decorate the Christmas tree. It was tall and had lots of christmas decorations on. Jakevir had lots of christmas cards from his friends. I was feeling hungry after all my hard work so we went into the kitchen and had sometea. His mum some nice food to eat and it was yummy.After tea we watch some televisvion programmes and played with his dinosaur. His dinosaurs were very scary and I'm glad Jakevir didn't leave me with them. Before I know it,it was time to go to sleep.Good night everyone I wonder what I will get for christmas.

Written with help from Jakevir.


A weekend with Alfie

Friday 14th December 2007

Today I finally went back to Alfie`s house! And... It was Alfie`s sister, Eva`s Birthday! So we went to Macdonalds with Alfie`s cousins! I had Chips and Hamburger! Then we watched Bambi 2! And that was Eva`s (Alfie`s sister) Birthday present. Then we went on Alfie`s Nintendo DS! We played Pro evolution Soccer! Alfie can make his own Team on the Game! His got Ronaldiniho, Kaka, Dida, Adriarno, Ronaldo, Cristiarno Ronaldo, Cris Juan, Lucio And loads of Great players!

Saturday 15th December 2007

The next day we woke up at 7:30. Then at 9:45 we went to Football!
(in real life) He has won the last 2 Games! I hope he wins! But Unfortunally they lost!And then we went on his PS2! We played England International Football and Germany Fifa World cup 2006! Then we went to Alfie`s Aunt`s house! Luckily Alfie didn`t get a Kisses! But the best thing of the day was Alfie staying up at 1:15 in the night!(morning!)Honestly he did!

Sunday 16th December 2007

So after that 1:15 in the night we woke up at 9:00 am! Then we went to Alfie`s best Football mate Avery! And it was his Birthday! Alfie believes his 7! Then we went on Alfie`s PS2 and played the same games like yesterday! Then we watched Strictly Come Dancing Results! But Gethin went out! Alfie`s Dad thought he was more entertaining! I don‘t believe it‘s the last day! I wonder who I will go to next!

Written help from Alfie.


Thursday 13th December 2007

An evening with Luca

Today I went with Luca. Me and Luca went to after school club we went outside on the scooter. Their I met Laura, Luca's friend.Then we ssw jack and seamus was on the computer games.Then Luca's dad picked me and Luca up from after school club because we was going to the pub so we went to the pub and Ben and Jessica and there mum,dad, nanny jill,uncle phill. We had dinner like a Sunday dinner.Then we had a photograph next to the Christmas tree in the pub.Then Jessica and Ben and me the owl.Then we went to Luca's dad's house with me Luca and luca's dad then we saw finlay and katie it was fun and we played lots of fun games.

Then Finlay was getting me but Luca saved me and Finlay was getting all of Luca's money.Then we went to Luca's but mat came and that was Luca's dad's friend then Adam came that was katie's brother me and Luca and Luca's dad went to Luca's house.Then Luca's dad went to rugby with mat.Then Luca and I went to brush our teeth and wash our hand's.Then we watched T.V . Then we went upstairs and we went to bed. I said and luca said "night! night! see you in the morning".When it was the morning and we had wheatabix then we got ready for school. who is taking me home tomorrow?

Written with help from Luca.

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Kung Fu with Joshua!

Wednesday 12th December 2007

Today I went home with Joshua. We played 'Shush don't wake Dad'. Before dinner we played on the playstation 2 it was fun! After dinner we went to kung fu and I watched Joshua practising.

Written with help from Joshua.

A trip to the Doctors with Meghan

Tuesday 11th December 2007

Today I went home with Meghan. First we had to go to the doctors because of Meghan's eyes and of Abi`s throat. Meghan had to had eye drops. Then we went to the Chip shop for tea. We ate it and then I went to get ready for Bed. We went downstairs and wrote My Blog. We went to Bed at 8:30. In the Morning we had cereal and went to school. I am looking forward to my next Trip.

Written with help from Meghan.

My second time with Rhiann

Monday 10th December 2007

Today I went home with Rhiann. I knew I was going to have a wonderful time. Alexa, and Rhiann brother as soon as he saw my box he smiled. I hope we get to put the Christmas tree up. Rhiann took a picture of me climbing up the stairs was fun. I met pinky Hollie and Leah know pinky. Pinky is cute. Alexa has a purple she is my other friend and met lot's of her teddy's like spot the giraffe . When I was writing this discovered Callum's walker turns into a car which I thought was amazing and I had a ride !!! Callum did not mind it was wicked, I loved it! I love doing thing with Rhiann. I have met Doggy, Monkey, Pone, Snow Girl. And I met Alexa, Rhiann, Callum's Grandma and Mike is Callum's dad. And I met Cinderella the princess fairy. Rhiann and Alexa have got a play room in the attic Rhiann said so I must go to bed now night night.Zzzzzzzzzzz!!!

This morning I got up and I and Rhiann had big shredded wheat for breakfast. Rhiann was a bit upset because she did not want to take me back to school. Rhiann and Alexa got dressed and I brushed me teeth then we swapped I got dressed and Rhiann and Alexa brushed there teeth.Then they took me down stairs to play with little guy Callum he is so cute. Rhiann toled me he is surrounded by girls every morning because he is so cute and funny. Rhiann and Alexa got thier school bag's ready and got in the car.And we drove to school.

P.S I am looking for to my next time with Rhiann!

Written with help from Rhiann.

Tuesday 11 December 2007

My lovely weekend with Chloe

Friday 7th December

I went home with Chloe. First me and Chloe walked home, it was a bit chilly so Chloe tucked me in her coat so I was snug. When we got home we pressed buttons on Chloe's pixel chix! After that we coloured in some flowers that Chloe has drawn in the past. Seconds later we had to get changed because we are going to The suitcase Kid at the Warwick arts centre I can't wait...When we got there we had to go and pick up some tickets we had a J20 and I saw Daniel, Pippa and his grandma called Joycie. We sat and had at drink together at 7:00 Pm we went into row A.I have never done any thing so exciting and fabaruniy in my entire life. It was about a girl who's parents split up and she had a toy and she had called him Radish. We got home and played on Chloe's remote control car. It went really fast !!! Then we gone to bed I wonder what I will be getting up to tomorrow?


Saturday 8th December

In the morning we woke up we had to do some drawing because it was only 8:30. When it was 9:00 we got dressed and now we are going shopping I can't wait. We only had to go in three different shop's and then we went home. Next I looked at my blog I saw all sort's of pictures of me Chloe and told me "I can't go to the school fate because Mr Jones has told me." After a hour or two Chloe came home and we watched some TV. Then we had some cheese on toast, we watch Bratz The Movie but in between we had to go and pick up Chloe's Dad's car. Minutes later we went to the supermarket. When we got home we played with Chloe's dolls.


Written with help from Chloe

My Monday night with Kiaya

Today I went home with Kiaya which is great because I have slept at her house before. From school I went to Kiaya's nan's house and had pasta for tea yummy. Me and Kiaya helped with the dishes and then played games which was really fun. Me, Kiaya and her mum all went back to Kiaya's house had a bath and was ready to read a story when went to bed. This morning we got up and had breakfast now we are leaving for school.

Written with help from Kiaya.

A great time with Lauren, Adam and Hollie!

My night with Adam

Monday 3rd December 2007

Firstly I played with the Lego at after school club. And then I had a drink. Then we played outside! Then Adam’s mum came and we went home. I helped Adam with his home work and played with Adam’s toy boat. And had a bath and watched Tv. After that we went to bed. When we got up Adam opened number 4 on his chistmas calendar. I had a cereal bar and a crumpet and went to school.

Written with helpf from Adam.


My second trip to Hollie's house!

Tuesday 4th December

Today I went home with Hollie. When we got home me and Hollie played on her piano .We got home and we hade jacket potato cheese and beans for tea that’s my
favourite. Meanwhile Hollie’s sister came round to sleep over. Hollies half sister called Stacey. Every Tuesday we have a meating at are house we have lots of biscuits after I had 2 bisciuts. After that we went to bed I made my very own bed. In the morning Hollie woke me up and we watched sponge-bob then Hollie took me to school. I wonder who I’m going with next.

Written with help from Hollie.


My night with Lauren

Today I went home with Lauren. I was very exited to be with Lauren. We went to shooting stars' together and I whatched Lauren do her Diary. Lauren did a word search and she got 12 right. I went for a sleep while Lauren played Dodge Ball in the hall at the after school club. Lauren's brother Jack and Jack's girlfreind Abbie talked to me and we walked home to Lauren's house. I played Jungle party the Buzz game with Lauren. I thought that it was really really good. I can not wait until my next adventure.

Written with help from Lauren

My weekend with Brooke


Today I went home with Brooke and her Grandma picked us up. We saw Brooke's cousin Ragen she is 4. I hade some crisps it was roast chicken Yum . We are sleeping around Brooke's Grandma's, yesssssssss. We have lots of sweets and Brooke did a magic trick it was WOW! I tired and I was better than Brooke. A few minutes later we had Dinner. It was stir Friy. I didn`t like it nor Brooke, so we had salad instead. Next we watched I am a celebrety get me out of here. I wanted Biggins to win and he did yessss and then we went to bed and watched Free Willy


Saturday 4th December

We went home and had breakfast and watched Bratz the move 2 times and took some photos an hour later we had some dinner which was spaghetti hoops and toast. Brooke combed my fur it was relaxing. I am going to have a nap for half an hour. I have just woken up from my nap and we are going to take some photos now. X-factor is on Brooke and me want Same Difference to win! After the x-factor results we went to bed.


Sunday 5th December

"We woke up and I caught me Dad asleep with Oscar on the sofa."said Brooke. Brooke opened her chocolate calendar and gave me some. After we got washed and dressed and went to Brooke's Nan's and I had a go on the P.S.P it was fun. Then Brooke's cousins came. We had lots of fun! Now we went home I can't wait until my next trip with Brooke.

Written with help from Brooke.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

My time with Seamus!


Today I went home with Seamus! Firstly I went round to the other playground topick up Seamus's sister called Orla she was very whinny and wingy but before wewent to his house we had to go to B&Q it was very boring meanwhile when we got to Seamus's house we played on his computer and it was very fun. Seamus's dad came while his mum went away for the weekend and we were going to go to a motor bike show but his dad was not very well so we didn't go but when his mum came Seamus read the book of Charlie And The Chocolate factory it was very funny andhis mum got a cereal box with a golden compos book in it and we played on his Leapster and Seamus said it was like a game boy. I wonder who I am going tohave another spectacular adventure with next time!

Written with help from Seamus.



My evening with Aidan

Today I went home with Aidan and we went on the PSP. Then we went swimming but that was Aidan`s sister doing it. Then we went home then we had dinner after that I went to bed but Aidan didn't but in a minute Aidan went to bed. In the morning we had breakafter and after that we brushed our teeth and washed our face then we watched basil brush and went on the PSP again then we put our shoes and coats on and went to school and Aidan`s console and house was wicked.

Witten with help from Aidan



Today I went home with Poppy. Her grandad picked us up from school. We got home and Poppy's nan had dinner ready we had curry. After Poppy had to go swimming I metsome of her friends called Jessica and Lilly.They were very nice to me. Poppy swam for half an hour.She was really good so was Poppy's friends Jessica and Lilly. Then it was time for Poppy's sister called Indya to swim. Poppy went with Wayne to go and have a shower. Meanwhile Indya was swimming. I sat with Poppy's nan while Poppy was in the shower. Indya came home at 6.00 and Poppy's mum is pregnant but she is going to Poppy's aunty's makeup party.

Poppy read me a book called My Secret Unicorn. Just then wayne said it was time for bed. "I had a nice sleep." In the morning we woke up at 7:00 because Poppy's mum work's a long long way away. When Poppy's mum left we went to Poppy's grandad's house we played on the nintendods. At half past 8 we went to school. It took 15 minute's to get to school. I can't wait until I go to Poppy's house again.

Written with help from Poppy.



My evening with Dalbir!

I went home with Dalbir for tea we had chicken. I met a new friend his name waschick chick he is a car. I played a game of noughts and crosses. I played with his brother and sister on the way home and I played with the playdough. I watched TV for 2 hours. I went to bed at 8 o`clock. I woke really early. I wonder who I am going with next?

Written with help from Dalbir.
