Wednesday 19 December 2007

My second time with Rhiann

Monday 10th December 2007

Today I went home with Rhiann. I knew I was going to have a wonderful time. Alexa, and Rhiann brother as soon as he saw my box he smiled. I hope we get to put the Christmas tree up. Rhiann took a picture of me climbing up the stairs was fun. I met pinky Hollie and Leah know pinky. Pinky is cute. Alexa has a purple she is my other friend and met lot's of her teddy's like spot the giraffe . When I was writing this discovered Callum's walker turns into a car which I thought was amazing and I had a ride !!! Callum did not mind it was wicked, I loved it! I love doing thing with Rhiann. I have met Doggy, Monkey, Pone, Snow Girl. And I met Alexa, Rhiann, Callum's Grandma and Mike is Callum's dad. And I met Cinderella the princess fairy. Rhiann and Alexa have got a play room in the attic Rhiann said so I must go to bed now night night.Zzzzzzzzzzz!!!

This morning I got up and I and Rhiann had big shredded wheat for breakfast. Rhiann was a bit upset because she did not want to take me back to school. Rhiann and Alexa got dressed and I brushed me teeth then we swapped I got dressed and Rhiann and Alexa brushed there teeth.Then they took me down stairs to play with little guy Callum he is so cute. Rhiann toled me he is surrounded by girls every morning because he is so cute and funny. Rhiann and Alexa got thier school bag's ready and got in the car.And we drove to school.

P.S I am looking for to my next time with Rhiann!

Written with help from Rhiann.