Wednesday 5 December 2007

My time with Seamus!


Today I went home with Seamus! Firstly I went round to the other playground topick up Seamus's sister called Orla she was very whinny and wingy but before wewent to his house we had to go to B&Q it was very boring meanwhile when we got to Seamus's house we played on his computer and it was very fun. Seamus's dad came while his mum went away for the weekend and we were going to go to a motor bike show but his dad was not very well so we didn't go but when his mum came Seamus read the book of Charlie And The Chocolate factory it was very funny andhis mum got a cereal box with a golden compos book in it and we played on his Leapster and Seamus said it was like a game boy. I wonder who I am going tohave another spectacular adventure with next time!

Written with help from Seamus.



My evening with Aidan

Today I went home with Aidan and we went on the PSP. Then we went swimming but that was Aidan`s sister doing it. Then we went home then we had dinner after that I went to bed but Aidan didn't but in a minute Aidan went to bed. In the morning we had breakafter and after that we brushed our teeth and washed our face then we watched basil brush and went on the PSP again then we put our shoes and coats on and went to school and Aidan`s console and house was wicked.

Witten with help from Aidan



Today I went home with Poppy. Her grandad picked us up from school. We got home and Poppy's nan had dinner ready we had curry. After Poppy had to go swimming I metsome of her friends called Jessica and Lilly.They were very nice to me. Poppy swam for half an hour.She was really good so was Poppy's friends Jessica and Lilly. Then it was time for Poppy's sister called Indya to swim. Poppy went with Wayne to go and have a shower. Meanwhile Indya was swimming. I sat with Poppy's nan while Poppy was in the shower. Indya came home at 6.00 and Poppy's mum is pregnant but she is going to Poppy's aunty's makeup party.

Poppy read me a book called My Secret Unicorn. Just then wayne said it was time for bed. "I had a nice sleep." In the morning we woke up at 7:00 because Poppy's mum work's a long long way away. When Poppy's mum left we went to Poppy's grandad's house we played on the nintendods. At half past 8 we went to school. It took 15 minute's to get to school. I can't wait until I go to Poppy's house again.

Written with help from Poppy.



My evening with Dalbir!

I went home with Dalbir for tea we had chicken. I met a new friend his name waschick chick he is a car. I played a game of noughts and crosses. I played with his brother and sister on the way home and I played with the playdough. I watched TV for 2 hours. I went to bed at 8 o`clock. I woke really early. I wonder who I am going with next?

Written with help from Dalbir.
