Thursday 20 December 2007

Loads of adventures!

Thursday 20th December 2007

This morning I worked on an Apple Mac computer with the children in Blue 2. It was amazing! Using the Photobooth and built up camera we took some great photos of me. Chloe and Alexa used some great effects to make me look very funny!

This afternoon I went to Blue 2's Christmas party with my friend Zak the Alien! It was brilliant! I did loads of dancing with all of my friends!


Wednesday 19th December 2007

Harry and me!

Last night I went home with Harry. Me and Harry went round his cousin‘s house. When I got there I walked into the living room and I saw that Harry‘s cousin was in the lounge she was on the laptop and we watched the plasma t.v. Then Harry gave his cousin presents. Then we went to see my other cousin and sat down and watched Dragonheart.Written with help from Harry.

Written with help from Harry.


My trip to Leah's house

Tuesday 18th December

When I went home with Leah we watched Tracy Beaker I loved it and then we had tea. I met Leah's cat and then I went up stairs to play with Leah's teddies. One of her teddies is called princess. Leah has got a lovely Christmas tree. Me and Leah made snow flakes I coloured mine in. Me and Leah went on the computer on cbeebies I wrapped Leah's mum's Christmas present up. we watched The Bill and then we went to bed. zzzzzzzzz.

Written with help from Leah.


My second trip to Jakevir's house!

Monday 17th December 2007

Today I went to Jakevir's house where I met his mum, his dad his little sister. Firstly we went into the living room to decorate the Christmas tree. It was tall and had lots of christmas decorations on. Jakevir had lots of christmas cards from his friends. I was feeling hungry after all my hard work so we went into the kitchen and had sometea. His mum some nice food to eat and it was yummy.After tea we watch some televisvion programmes and played with his dinosaur. His dinosaurs were very scary and I'm glad Jakevir didn't leave me with them. Before I know it,it was time to go to sleep.Good night everyone I wonder what I will get for christmas.

Written with help from Jakevir.


A weekend with Alfie

Friday 14th December 2007

Today I finally went back to Alfie`s house! And... It was Alfie`s sister, Eva`s Birthday! So we went to Macdonalds with Alfie`s cousins! I had Chips and Hamburger! Then we watched Bambi 2! And that was Eva`s (Alfie`s sister) Birthday present. Then we went on Alfie`s Nintendo DS! We played Pro evolution Soccer! Alfie can make his own Team on the Game! His got Ronaldiniho, Kaka, Dida, Adriarno, Ronaldo, Cristiarno Ronaldo, Cris Juan, Lucio And loads of Great players!

Saturday 15th December 2007

The next day we woke up at 7:30. Then at 9:45 we went to Football!
(in real life) He has won the last 2 Games! I hope he wins! But Unfortunally they lost!And then we went on his PS2! We played England International Football and Germany Fifa World cup 2006! Then we went to Alfie`s Aunt`s house! Luckily Alfie didn`t get a Kisses! But the best thing of the day was Alfie staying up at 1:15 in the night!(morning!)Honestly he did!

Sunday 16th December 2007

So after that 1:15 in the night we woke up at 9:00 am! Then we went to Alfie`s best Football mate Avery! And it was his Birthday! Alfie believes his 7! Then we went on Alfie`s PS2 and played the same games like yesterday! Then we watched Strictly Come Dancing Results! But Gethin went out! Alfie`s Dad thought he was more entertaining! I don‘t believe it‘s the last day! I wonder who I will go to next!

Written help from Alfie.


Thursday 13th December 2007

An evening with Luca

Today I went with Luca. Me and Luca went to after school club we went outside on the scooter. Their I met Laura, Luca's friend.Then we ssw jack and seamus was on the computer games.Then Luca's dad picked me and Luca up from after school club because we was going to the pub so we went to the pub and Ben and Jessica and there mum,dad, nanny jill,uncle phill. We had dinner like a Sunday dinner.Then we had a photograph next to the Christmas tree in the pub.Then Jessica and Ben and me the owl.Then we went to Luca's dad's house with me Luca and luca's dad then we saw finlay and katie it was fun and we played lots of fun games.

Then Finlay was getting me but Luca saved me and Finlay was getting all of Luca's money.Then we went to Luca's but mat came and that was Luca's dad's friend then Adam came that was katie's brother me and Luca and Luca's dad went to Luca's house.Then Luca's dad went to rugby with mat.Then Luca and I went to brush our teeth and wash our hand's.Then we watched T.V . Then we went upstairs and we went to bed. I said and luca said "night! night! see you in the morning".When it was the morning and we had wheatabix then we got ready for school. who is taking me home tomorrow?

Written with help from Luca.