Friday 21 December 2007

A great time with Katie! and a photo story!

Blue 2 have been making Photo Stories in their Literacy and ICT lessons. Here is one they have made about me!!


A great time with Katie!

When I went home with Katie Ann picked us up from school. when we drove to the school where Ann works at called stoke heath primary. I went in Ann's office and had a cup of tea I also washed up. Then Ann gave us a kit kat then we started writing in my diary. We looked on my blog. When mick I mean the caretaker also known as chloes grandad came in he held me. I then went to a classroom. Then I started writing my blog he he he. I helped Andrew do his homework he is good. The ride home was bumpy very bumpy bump bump. When we got home we hung are coats up we watched the simpsons. Then we went in Ann's room we jumped on the bed.I went flying.

For tea we had pizza it was a big squared one. We watched tv after that big pizza. Then paul came home.I got to fly on to pauls shoulder weeeeeeeee. We went downstairs and found that Paul and Ann were eating curry and watching come dance with me. Katie loves that because they cook for each other and she likes it when they decorate their houses. after that we got some of Anns curry yummy yummy. Then we went upstairs and got our pyjamas on and went into Anns room and watched tv till nine. When Ann came in she gave us a five minute cuddle then told us to get to bed. I got to sleep really fast because Ann told us to think of christmas so i thought of what i would do at Mr Jones house. In the morning we went downstairs Katie let me open her calender she gave me a certificate of 100% attendance. Then we started writing the blog again I tried telling her not to write to much but she would not listen. Then we went upstairs and got changed I really liked what Katie was wearing it was nice but i cant wait to see what Blue 2 are wearing.

For breakfast we had sausages yum yum yum I ate them all on my plate. Katie could not find her bag but I helped and found it. It was on the pile on the table.Katie got her coat on put me in my box said bye to ann and we set off. We knocked on Alexes house he walked to school with us I can not wait until my next trip I wonder whatI will do at mr jonses house I love you mr jones and blue 2.

Written with help from Katie.