Tuesday 11 December 2007

My lovely weekend with Chloe

Friday 7th December

I went home with Chloe. First me and Chloe walked home, it was a bit chilly so Chloe tucked me in her coat so I was snug. When we got home we pressed buttons on Chloe's pixel chix! After that we coloured in some flowers that Chloe has drawn in the past. Seconds later we had to get changed because we are going to The suitcase Kid at the Warwick arts centre I can't wait...When we got there we had to go and pick up some tickets we had a J20 and I saw Daniel, Pippa and his grandma called Joycie. We sat and had at drink together at 7:00 Pm we went into row A.I have never done any thing so exciting and fabaruniy in my entire life. It was about a girl who's parents split up and she had a toy and she had called him Radish. We got home and played on Chloe's remote control car. It went really fast !!! Then we gone to bed I wonder what I will be getting up to tomorrow?


Saturday 8th December

In the morning we woke up we had to do some drawing because it was only 8:30. When it was 9:00 we got dressed and now we are going shopping I can't wait. We only had to go in three different shop's and then we went home. Next I looked at my blog I saw all sort's of pictures of me Chloe and told me "I can't go to the school fate because Mr Jones has told me." After a hour or two Chloe came home and we watched some TV. Then we had some cheese on toast, we watch Bratz The Movie but in between we had to go and pick up Chloe's Dad's car. Minutes later we went to the supermarket. When we got home we played with Chloe's dolls.


Written with help from Chloe