Tuesday 11 December 2007

A great time with Lauren, Adam and Hollie!

My night with Adam

Monday 3rd December 2007

Firstly I played with the Lego at after school club. And then I had a drink. Then we played outside! Then Adam’s mum came and we went home. I helped Adam with his home work and played with Adam’s toy boat. And had a bath and watched Tv. After that we went to bed. When we got up Adam opened number 4 on his chistmas calendar. I had a cereal bar and a crumpet and went to school.

Written with helpf from Adam.


My second trip to Hollie's house!

Tuesday 4th December

Today I went home with Hollie. When we got home me and Hollie played on her piano .We got home and we hade jacket potato cheese and beans for tea that’s my
favourite. Meanwhile Hollie’s sister came round to sleep over. Hollies half sister called Stacey. Every Tuesday we have a meating at are house we have lots of biscuits after I had 2 bisciuts. After that we went to bed I made my very own bed. In the morning Hollie woke me up and we watched sponge-bob then Hollie took me to school. I wonder who I’m going with next.

Written with help from Hollie.


My night with Lauren

Today I went home with Lauren. I was very exited to be with Lauren. We went to shooting stars' together and I whatched Lauren do her Diary. Lauren did a word search and she got 12 right. I went for a sleep while Lauren played Dodge Ball in the hall at the after school club. Lauren's brother Jack and Jack's girlfreind Abbie talked to me and we walked home to Lauren's house. I played Jungle party the Buzz game with Lauren. I thought that it was really really good. I can not wait until my next adventure.

Written with help from Lauren