Thursday 31 January 2008

Three evenings out!

31st January 2008

My Time with Jack
First I went to after school club. We played with Alex and built a car. I went outside and flew across the football pitch and got hit with the ball. jack helped me play a skating game. Then I went home we painted a picture!

Written with help from Jack.


30th January 2008

Katie's pyjamas
Firstly I went to Ricky's dance and Ricky held me. I even got to sit in Katie's hand while she was dancing even ask Chloe. When we got home Katie's mum was watching docters. We got changed ready for bowling. When we got there we got some drinks and started in the end Katie won. When we got home we had a bath and got our pyjamas on then we went to bed. In bed we watched TV and fell fast asleep. In the morning we had breakfast

Written with help from Katie.

29th January 2008

My lessons with Lauren
Today I went home with Lauren. Firstly we played at after school club after that I went outside then I came In. I met Mumble he was from antartica. I wish i was from antartica. I came home. Then Lauren and I am going to play Hungry Hippos. Lauren had 4 sweets because she got her certifacate and the other 1 for doing her excises. I hope see Lauren again.

Written with help from Lauren.

Monday 28 January 2008

A trip to London with Meghan!

This weekend I went home with Meghan. Firstly we watched the T.V then Meghan's mum made us dinner we had turkey jets and chips and i had a piece of pizza it was fab.Then at seven o clock we went to the seversiz and met Meghan's dad so we got in his car and drove to his flat . We got there at half nine and we went to bed 10 to 10.

The next morning we got up and had a sausage sandwich and an hour later we got on the bus and we drove to the tube station in London. We got on the tube to the natural history museum. I saw loads of things including dinosaurs Grrrrrr. After that I saw the biggest dinosaurs in the world and it stared at me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Then I went to the science museum. we went home and went to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Then the next morning we got up and had a piece of toast.Then we went shopping with Meghanis daddy's for a a while birthday. we went home and packed the car and went back to Meghan's house.

The next day we went back to Mr Jones .I cant wait till my next trip and I loved Harvey meghans dog. Meghan taught me about dinosaurs and Science!!

Written with help from Meghan.

Friday 25 January 2008

What Seamus taught me....

Firstly I went to after school club and we played with the Connects and we made lots of things with it. we made a hat for me I thought that it was quite comfortable! After that we went outside to go on the adventure playground! After that we went to Seamus' house and on the way in Seamus' car I had a mint it was very nice! After that we had watched a film called SINBAD it was about a pirate and he met a cyclops,sea monster,scorpion, giant ice bird, lion and a goddess and after that Seamus' Mum came back from taking her students to Brighton for a collage trip. Soon we had tea it was pasta with pesto on it and for pudding we had melon it was very juicey! Soon after we were tucked up in bed and Seamus read me a book called CIA Cows In Action the creator of Astrosaors then as quick as a flash I was fast asleep zzzzzz....

P.S I Learnt how toplay on a NINTENDO 64.

Written with help from Seamus.

Thursday 24 January 2008

What I learnt to do with Chloe....

Firstly I went home with Chloe when she got home from cross country we watched some T.V. After that we went to the dentist and I've got some new friend's one was called Jane and her assistant who did Chloe's mum's teeth. When we got back we played mums and dads I've never played it before .We had a apple.I have now have played Frustration , first game I was mortified because I lost but the second one I won! Then we went on my blog after a few minture's and later I went on Colin's coffee.Surprisingly Chloe was telling me that her class mates say in my blog I snore! When we went to bed I meet Mappy and pudsy. In the morning I played with the Fifi house and I met lots of children.

P.S I can not wait to now who I am going home with tonight!

Written with help from Chloe.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

What Jakevir taught me!

Today I went home with Jakevir. Firstly we went home and had some soft toast. Then we went into the kids room and played for hours and hours.After that we went up stairs.When we got there, Jakevir taught me how to use a laptop. It was hard work but it was great fun. Then we had some yummy dinner and off to bed. Night night don't let the bed bugs bite. OH!I think one get me.

Written with help from Jakevir.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

What I did with Hollie!

Firstly we got to Hollie's house and she took me out to see the guinea pigs because it was their birthday so we made a cake and sang happy birthday. Then Hollie played a game on the laptop and then we had tea. After that we went to see the cats. Poppy-Mae the cat was very cute. Finally Hollie took me to bed. zzzzzzzzzzz and then we all got ready for school. I wonder who I'm going with next?

Ps. i went on Hollie's dad's motorbike!!

Written with help from Hollie.

Sunday 20 January 2008

Eating chocolates with Taylor!

On the way home I sat on Taylor's brother's lap. When we got home we watched TV we watched Over the Hedge it was good .Then we had tea which was yum. For pudding we had chocolates. While Taylor's mum washed up we all went in to Taylor's bedroom and we played with Taylor's car and we did some magic tricks. Then i helped Taylor with his school project about India and it was very interesting. Then we all had a wash and got are pyjamers on and Taylor's dad read us Mr Strong zzzzzz.I wonder who I will go home with next time. I hope I go home Taylor again soon. I want to say thanks to every one at Taylor's house.

Written with help from Taylor.

Thursday 17 January 2008

An exciting time with Luke!

Today I went home with Luke. After school we went to Aldi. We weren't there long. Then we got to Luke's house. Then we did some homework it was very boring. Not long after we had some we had pepperoni pizza it was delicious. Then we went on the P.S.2. We had loads of fun. After that we had some lovely ice cream. Later on we watched T.V and it was very strange. At 6.30 we went to Ikedo. An hour later we came back we got in at 8.00. Then we had milk and biscuit they were yummy. At 9.00 we went to bed when we woke up I met Rue, Edward, Pluto, Gullaver and Pudesey they were friendly. After we went down stairs. For breakfast we had grapes and chocolate bread then we went up stairs to get dressed. We are going to school. I wonder who I will be going with next. Adventures are sweet!

Written with help from Luke.

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Two Adventures!

16th January 2008
My time with Jake
Tonight I went home with Jake. Firstly we watched T.V and then we had dinner. We had fries, salad and mackerel .Then me and Jake watched loads of telly and then played on the P.S.2 and then the P.S.3 and then read and went to bed. In the morning, we woke up at 7.30. We had breakfast and then went to school .I cant wait to go home with Luke tommorow.

Written with help from Jake.


15th January 2008

My evening with Reece
Today I went home with Reece . When we got to Reece's house .Reece's mum cooked our tea we had Reece's favourite dinner. I had fish fingers ,chips and beans. After we finished eating I played on the wii and Reece showed me how to all the games . At 6.30 Reece had a bath so I watched the television for half an hour, before going to bed to have asleep.

Written with help from Reece.

Monday 14 January 2008

Playing games with Amelia

Friday 11th January 2008
Today I went home with Amelia we met her sister her name was Unity.She was annoying and a chatter box she wouldn't shut up. I got a headache we met her Grandma her name was Elaine.Then we got in to the car when we were driving. I felt sick it took 20 minutes to get there it was too hot and then her grandmas went in to the post office. Then we met Chlo her cousin, she was hitting Oscar. Then Chlo was throwing Oscar in the air. They made my bed for me. We played the Nintendo.Ds in bed and animal crossing was the best game. Amelia's mum came to take the Ds down stairs at10.00 good night ZZZzz...

Saturday 12th January 2008
We got up and went down stairs and we had a biscuit and orange juice. Then we had our breakfast we had pastries with chocolate spread. Then we plat Taptop and after that we got dressed and brushed our teeth. Then we had lunch. At 2 o'clock we went swimming. I didn't want to go in the water because I didn't want to get wet so I sat on the side with Amelia's mum. Then Amelia got dried and then we got seat belted up and went home. We had mars bars before we went to bed. Good night zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Sunday 13th January 2008

We got up and had a biscuit and orange juice. For breakfast we had poached egg on toast with a sausage. The we played with Amelia's cats, Zac abd Casper. We brushed our teeth and got dressed. We stayed at Amelia's house all day. We played Polly Pockets, Dressig up and on the Nintendo Wii. We also played on her Daddies playstation. We dinner we had broccoli, potatoes, sweetcorn and sausage casserole. After dinner we watch The Incredibles and then we snuggled down in bed. Zzzzzzzzzzz.....

Written with help from Amelia.

Friday 11 January 2008

Three great adventures!

8th January 2008

My night with Jack

First I went to after school club with Jack. It was fun after that I went home with Jack and I got ready to go to the cinema we went to see Alvin and the chipmunks. Then we went to Pizza hut I had a big double cheese!

Written with help from Jack


9th January 2008

A great time with Akshay

Today I went home with Akshay. First we had a sausage roll and muffin and then we played on the Nintendo wii and it was amazing! Then we went to Karate and Akshay is very good. For dinner we had a burger and garllic bread. The we went to bed, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Written with help from Akshay.


10th January 2008

An evening with Alexa and her family

Today I went home with Alexa. Alexa went to see Grace, Harry and aunty Jenny.Then we played up stairs in Harry's bedroom then Graces too. Callum played copying each other Callum said "boo" when he hid behind the sofa it was funny.Then we had some dinner it look tasty then to get some boxes full of Alexa's and Rhiann's toys. Jenny gave us some chocolate cake and strawberry short cake it looked tasty.We played some more then I had a go playing the guitar.Then we said goodbye and put the boxes into the car I had a lot of fun as soon as got out of the car I got a light box too carry when we got we played in the attic (Alexa and Rhiann's playroom.) then we played a short game of monopoly Alexa won!

We watched the Simsons , played on Alexa's nintendo Ds light and animal crossing . Then I played with Alexa's teddy's I played with Mousy.when it was 7:00 it was time for bed but we got to read for 30 minuets.We read the Mystery of the Secret Room. Then we caught up on some beauty rest, zzzzzzzz............

In the morning Alexa got dressed. Then went down for breakfast we had some Sugar puss, toast and fruit. Next we went up stairs to brush Alexa's teeth.Then Alexa brushed my teeth.Once Calum was ready I was going back to school in the car.P.S. I'm looking forward to my next journey.

Written with help from Alexa

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Christmas and New Year!

Excitedly I came home with Mr Jones for the Christmas holidays and I felt really happy because I had not been to his house for ages! I have had great fun opening presents, eating too much chocolate and have a nice rest! I managed to fly around and land in the Christmas tree!!

Surprisingly I made a really good freind during the Christmas holidays and his name was Rudey and he is a Reindeer. We had great fun watching TV and eating more chocolates. I can't wait to come back to school now so I can go on more amazing adventures!

This is me and Rudey:

Ps. Happy New Year!!!!