Friday 11 January 2008

Three great adventures!

8th January 2008

My night with Jack

First I went to after school club with Jack. It was fun after that I went home with Jack and I got ready to go to the cinema we went to see Alvin and the chipmunks. Then we went to Pizza hut I had a big double cheese!

Written with help from Jack


9th January 2008

A great time with Akshay

Today I went home with Akshay. First we had a sausage roll and muffin and then we played on the Nintendo wii and it was amazing! Then we went to Karate and Akshay is very good. For dinner we had a burger and garllic bread. The we went to bed, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Written with help from Akshay.


10th January 2008

An evening with Alexa and her family

Today I went home with Alexa. Alexa went to see Grace, Harry and aunty Jenny.Then we played up stairs in Harry's bedroom then Graces too. Callum played copying each other Callum said "boo" when he hid behind the sofa it was funny.Then we had some dinner it look tasty then to get some boxes full of Alexa's and Rhiann's toys. Jenny gave us some chocolate cake and strawberry short cake it looked tasty.We played some more then I had a go playing the guitar.Then we said goodbye and put the boxes into the car I had a lot of fun as soon as got out of the car I got a light box too carry when we got we played in the attic (Alexa and Rhiann's playroom.) then we played a short game of monopoly Alexa won!

We watched the Simsons , played on Alexa's nintendo Ds light and animal crossing . Then I played with Alexa's teddy's I played with Mousy.when it was 7:00 it was time for bed but we got to read for 30 minuets.We read the Mystery of the Secret Room. Then we caught up on some beauty rest, zzzzzzzz............

In the morning Alexa got dressed. Then went down for breakfast we had some Sugar puss, toast and fruit. Next we went up stairs to brush Alexa's teeth.Then Alexa brushed my teeth.Once Calum was ready I was going back to school in the car.P.S. I'm looking forward to my next journey.

Written with help from Alexa