Monday 28 January 2008

A trip to London with Meghan!

This weekend I went home with Meghan. Firstly we watched the T.V then Meghan's mum made us dinner we had turkey jets and chips and i had a piece of pizza it was fab.Then at seven o clock we went to the seversiz and met Meghan's dad so we got in his car and drove to his flat . We got there at half nine and we went to bed 10 to 10.

The next morning we got up and had a sausage sandwich and an hour later we got on the bus and we drove to the tube station in London. We got on the tube to the natural history museum. I saw loads of things including dinosaurs Grrrrrr. After that I saw the biggest dinosaurs in the world and it stared at me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Then I went to the science museum. we went home and went to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Then the next morning we got up and had a piece of toast.Then we went shopping with Meghanis daddy's for a a while birthday. we went home and packed the car and went back to Meghan's house.

The next day we went back to Mr Jones .I cant wait till my next trip and I loved Harvey meghans dog. Meghan taught me about dinosaurs and Science!!

Written with help from Meghan.