Thursday 17 January 2008

An exciting time with Luke!

Today I went home with Luke. After school we went to Aldi. We weren't there long. Then we got to Luke's house. Then we did some homework it was very boring. Not long after we had some we had pepperoni pizza it was delicious. Then we went on the P.S.2. We had loads of fun. After that we had some lovely ice cream. Later on we watched T.V and it was very strange. At 6.30 we went to Ikedo. An hour later we came back we got in at 8.00. Then we had milk and biscuit they were yummy. At 9.00 we went to bed when we woke up I met Rue, Edward, Pluto, Gullaver and Pudesey they were friendly. After we went down stairs. For breakfast we had grapes and chocolate bread then we went up stairs to get dressed. We are going to school. I wonder who I will be going with next. Adventures are sweet!

Written with help from Luke.