Friday 25 January 2008

What Seamus taught me....

Firstly I went to after school club and we played with the Connects and we made lots of things with it. we made a hat for me I thought that it was quite comfortable! After that we went outside to go on the adventure playground! After that we went to Seamus' house and on the way in Seamus' car I had a mint it was very nice! After that we had watched a film called SINBAD it was about a pirate and he met a cyclops,sea monster,scorpion, giant ice bird, lion and a goddess and after that Seamus' Mum came back from taking her students to Brighton for a collage trip. Soon we had tea it was pasta with pesto on it and for pudding we had melon it was very juicey! Soon after we were tucked up in bed and Seamus read me a book called CIA Cows In Action the creator of Astrosaors then as quick as a flash I was fast asleep zzzzzz....

P.S I Learnt how toplay on a NINTENDO 64.

Written with help from Seamus.