Thursday 31 January 2008

Three evenings out!

31st January 2008

My Time with Jack
First I went to after school club. We played with Alex and built a car. I went outside and flew across the football pitch and got hit with the ball. jack helped me play a skating game. Then I went home we painted a picture!

Written with help from Jack.


30th January 2008

Katie's pyjamas
Firstly I went to Ricky's dance and Ricky held me. I even got to sit in Katie's hand while she was dancing even ask Chloe. When we got home Katie's mum was watching docters. We got changed ready for bowling. When we got there we got some drinks and started in the end Katie won. When we got home we had a bath and got our pyjamas on then we went to bed. In bed we watched TV and fell fast asleep. In the morning we had breakfast

Written with help from Katie.

29th January 2008

My lessons with Lauren
Today I went home with Lauren. Firstly we played at after school club after that I went outside then I came In. I met Mumble he was from antartica. I wish i was from antartica. I came home. Then Lauren and I am going to play Hungry Hippos. Lauren had 4 sweets because she got her certifacate and the other 1 for doing her excises. I hope see Lauren again.

Written with help from Lauren.