Wednesday 16 January 2008

Two Adventures!

16th January 2008
My time with Jake
Tonight I went home with Jake. Firstly we watched T.V and then we had dinner. We had fries, salad and mackerel .Then me and Jake watched loads of telly and then played on the P.S.2 and then the P.S.3 and then read and went to bed. In the morning, we woke up at 7.30. We had breakfast and then went to school .I cant wait to go home with Luke tommorow.

Written with help from Jake.


15th January 2008

My evening with Reece
Today I went home with Reece . When we got to Reece's house .Reece's mum cooked our tea we had Reece's favourite dinner. I had fish fingers ,chips and beans. After we finished eating I played on the wii and Reece showed me how to all the games . At 6.30 Reece had a bath so I watched the television for half an hour, before going to bed to have asleep.

Written with help from Reece.